Legal Notices

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The site is owned by the V33 Group, a société anonyme company, registered in the Trade Registry of Lons Le Saunier, France, as number B 305 690 158, headquartered at
Route de la Muyre, 39210 Domblans, France,
Phone: +33(0) 

The director of publication is Ms Marie de Grivel, as Communication Director.
The site is hosted by the company FranceLink, headquartered at:
100 rue des fougères, 69009 Lyon, France
Phone: 04 37 46 03 13.

Access to the website
The site's user acknowledges having verified that his or her computer configuration contains no viruses and is in perfect working order. He or she also acknowledges having reviewed this legal notice and agrees to follow it.
The user acknowledges having been informed that the site is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week, except in the event of force majeure, computer difficulties, problems related to electronic communications networks, or technical difficulties.
For maintenance reasons, V33 may block access to the site and will attempt to notify users in advance.

Information contained within the site
The information on the site is given as an example. V33 cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, and timeliness of the information distributed on its website, nor that information's compliance with how the visitor intends to use it.
The user recognises that he or she is solely responsible in using this information. V33 may not be held liable for errors, absence of information availability, and/or the presence of a virus on its website.  

Personal data 
In accordance with the French data privacy law of 6 January 1978 as amended, the automated processing of personal data performed from the site has been declared to the public authority CNIL as reference number 1162588.
The information given out by the user by means of forms present on the site, except for those presented as optional, are necessary to respond to its request and are intended for V33, the processing manager.
The user is informed that he or she has a right to access, edit, and delete data about him or her by writing to :
Madame Marie de Grivel,
V33 S.A , La Muyre,
39210 Domblans, France.

The user is informed that when visiting the website, a cookie may be installed on his or her computer. A cookie does not make it possible to identify the user.
Generally, it records information relating to his or her computer's browsing on the site (pages viewed, date and time viewed), which may be read during later visits.
The user may decline to have cookies saved, or be notified before accepting cookies, by configuring his or her computer as follows : 
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 and later versions :
1. Choose the menu "Tools", then "Internet Options"
2. Click on the tab "Confidentiality"
3. Select the desired level using the cursor, or click on the "Advanced" button to customise your cookie management
For Microsoft Internet Explorer 5 :
1. Choose the menu "Tools", then "Internet Options"
2. Click on the tab "Security"
3. Select "Internet" then "Custom Level"
4. Go into the "Cookies" section and choose the option you want 
For Netscape 6.X and 7.X :
1. Choose the menu "Edit" > "Preferences" 
2. Confidentiality and Security
3. Cookies 

For Firefox :
1. Choose the menu "Tools" >  "Options" 
2. Click on the option "Privacy" 
3. Section "Cookies"
For Opéra 6.0 and above :
1. Choose the menu "File" > "Preferences" 
2. Privacy 
The personal data about the user is intended for V33.
The user has a right to access and correct personal data communicated by this browser-tracking mechanism under the conditions indicated above.

Intellectual property 
The general structure of the website, the information or documents it contains, and all elements that make up the site are the sole property of V33 and are subject to usage, explication, and reproduction rights.
These elements are subject to copyright protection laws. Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, transmission, or misrepresentation of the site, in whole or in part, and its contents, by any method whatsoever, in any medium whatsoever, without the express prior authorisation of V33, is prohibited.
The user shall be held liable for any unauthorised use of the site or its content, which will constitute infringement as penalised by articles L.335-2 et seq. of the French Intellectual Property Code. The names Groupe V33, V33, Libéron, Plastor, CecilPro, Diamantine Expert and their love those that appear on the site as well as all the names cited are registered trademarks of the company V33 or their respective companies.
Any reproduction or representation of these names or logos in whole or in part, alone or incorporated with other elements, without the express prior authorisation of V33, is prohibited, and the user would be held liable under articles L.713-2 and L.713-3 of the French Intellectual Property Code.

Hyperlinks put in place as part of the site which lead to other resources present on the Internet have received express prior authorisation.
V33 may not be held liable for the content of the sites that can be accessed this way, or any collection or transmission of personal data, installation of cookies, or any other method aimed at the same purposes, performed by those websites.
In no event shall users place a hyperlink leading to the site V33 without the prior written authorisation of V33.
Any request for that purpose must be sent to the Director of Publication of the site ( The authorisation granted may, at any time, be revoked by V33 without stating a cause.

Miscellaneous information 
The contents of this site are governed by French law. V33 reserves the right to modify these legal notices. Users are invited to view them regularly. Users may share their observations by emailing the following address (