V33 goes green!
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Because quality of life goes beyond your home, V33 has committed to environmental causes by using lorries running on nitrogen and bioethanol to transport its products.
These trucks offer many advantages. They have ecological benefits, significantly reducing greenhouse gases. They're also better for the environment as their engines are less noisy. Last but not least, they offer economic advantages because these fuels are cheaper than renewable natural gas.
With CO2 emissions approaching zero, bioethanol will contribute to sustainable development. It breaks down faster than fossil fuels, limiting the damage caused to nature.
Did you know?
Yet another advantage of bioethanol is its potential to help make France energy self-sufficient, by reducing the amount of energy imported from abroad. It could also create up to 25,000 jobs in the French agricultural sector over the coming years.
Six of these lorries are already on the road in France through collaboration with our partner Jacky Perrenot.
With so many factors in favour of these fuels, V33 says yes to colour and sees life in green!