The very first V33 Group store opens at BHV Marais!
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Since 13 April 2016, a ray of sunlight sent by V33 has been illuminating the lower ground floor of the BHV Marais department store in Paris. 180m² of contemporary and inspirational floor space reflecting the history of the Marais and its art galleries: this specially designed area has been set up to support customers in their decorating and DIY projects.
A gleaming concept store divided into different areas, this shop-in-shop comprises:
- A retail space: designed to facilitate the customer's buying experience, it's divided into nine sections and includes bedroom and living room paints, whites for walls and ceilings, and paints for furniture, decorative objects and masonry. Just follow the bright yellow pathways crossing the store.
- The "tinting machine" zone: two tinting machines are on standby to make your indoor space sparkle, producing your own customised shade from a chart of 1,500 colours or a database of 25,000 stunning shades for all interior and exterior surfaces.
- The Lab: a place where customers can exchange ideas with expert advisers, marked by a white halo to demarcate it from the rest of the store. A professional decorator and interior designer will be on hand five afternoons a week, providing free-of-charge advice to help you get to grips with your decorating projects.
A permanent, multi-faceted store to dazzle visitors looking for exciting inspiration and intelligent advice. Dive into the world of decorating at the Hypnotik Color Gallery! A must-visit at BHV Marais, rue de Rivoli, Paris.